Most frequent questions and answers
If the product had no signs of spoilage and “Use By” date was current, the degraded appearance could possibly be caused by improper storage conditions. For example, if the product was frozen, it may have broken down and separated forming curdled pieces once thawed.
No, it is not recommended. Freezing Almond Breeze® causes the product to separate irregularly and this greatly reduces the visual quality and consistency of the product upon thawing.
After opening, Almond Breeze® should be used within 5 days. Because Almond Breeze® does not contain preservatives it is susceptible to spoilage after being opened for a prolonged period of time. Once opened, do not leave opened Almond Breeze® unrefrigerated for an extended period of time. Storage at room temperature will shorten the shelf life and, just like cow’s milk, Almond Breeze® will spoil if left unrefrigerated too long. Blue Diamond does not recommend trying to extend the Use By time frame of Almond Breeze® and Blue Diamond will not guarantee the quality of the product beyond the recommended “Use By” time frame.
Refrigerated Almond Breeze®
Unopened refrigerated Almond Breeze® needs to be kept refrigerated and be stored at a temperature of 1 to 5°C until the “Use By” date printed on top of the carton. Keep refrigerated Almond Breeze® in the middle of your refrigerator to prevent possible freezing. Avoid refrigerator door storage as this area of your refrigerator tends to have the biggest temperature change compared to any other part of the refrigerator. Refrigerated Almond Breeze® is perishable and will spoil if not refrigerated.
Shelf -stable (long life) Almond Breeze®
Unopened shelf-stable (long life) Almond Breeze® can be stored in your pantry unrefrigerated up until the “BEST BEFORE” date printed on top of the carton. Once opened shelf-stable (long life) Almond Breeze® must be refrigerated or it will spoil.
Only one product contains sweetener, Almond Breeze® Original. For this we use raw cane sugar which is the crystallised sucrose from the first pressing of sugar cane. It has a unique naturally sweet flavour.
Our ambient Almond Breeze® has a shelf-life of 12-months from manufacture, once opened this should be refrigerated and used within 5 days. Our chilled Almond Breeze® has a 90-day shelf-life and should be kept refrigerated at all times, once opened this should be used within 5 days.